Your own Spirit Guide

Sometimes the universe is trying to communicate with us, but energies interfere, and important messages are missed. Seeing things from an outside, unattached and different perspective will give you the insight you need to make that hard decision, take that big risk, or feel like you finally understand why certain things are happening in your life. You can choose from any of the card decks provided, and you may also choose what kind of spread you'd like.



  • Past, Present, Future
    • This spread will show you progress. Where did you begin, what is happening in your life now, and what's ahead. This is not fortune telling, it's more of a suggestion or warning, to pay closer attention to certain things, and learn to leave your past behind you.
  • Aware of, To Remember, To Let Go of
    • This spread is exactly how it sounds: What are you currently aware of, what you need to remember, and what you need to let go of. This set is perfect when you are feeling blocked or stuck in life. If you have an unhealthy attachment to something or someone, this will give you some insight on what to take from that situation, and what to leave behind.
  • Problem & Solution
    • How do you fix the problem in front of you?
  • Who I think I am, Who I really am, Who Other Think I am
    • Soul searching, huh? This spread is perfect if you're having trouble finding yourself, or if you've let another person's energies mix too much with your own. 
  • Lacking Energy, Too Much Energy, Balanced Energy
    •  This spread is for prioritizing; what area of your life is lacking the energy it needs to grow? Where are you putting in too much effort, and not getting the desired or appropriate response? What will your life look like when you finally have all of your energies balanced, and you're getting back the energy you put out?
  • Goal & Obstacle 
    • Plain and simple, what is keeping you from reaching or maintaining your goal?