Welcome to the journey towards self love
Your heart chakra holds all of the energy you’ve received from love in life, good or bad. If you’ve had your heart chakra balanced before, you’ve been able to sift out some of the energy that doesn’t serve your heart. However, if you are brand new to chakra healing, you heart holds within it everything you’ve experienced in the realm of love in this lifetime and beyond. It is time to learn how to connect with your heart on an energetic level, unpack everything that is stored within & set the intention of only pure, radial, unconditional love for yourself.
When you love yourself unconditionally, you will be aligned with love energy that matches.
Relationship Healing Journal Prompts
What about this person called to me? If it’s a family member, did I feel pressured to stay connected with them because they’re family? If it’s a partner, why was I attracted to them?
If you left the relationship, what emotions did I walk away with? If you are present in the relationship, what emotions do you hold now?
What emotions did the other people leave with, or how might they be feeling now?
Apologize and forgive this person for not loving you / showing up in the ways you wanted. (Pretend you are writing a letter to them about this.)
Apologize and forgive yourself for looking for love outside of yourself. (write yourself a letter)
What lessons did / is this relationship teach me about the relationships I want in the future with others/myself?
Clarity for healing Card Spreads
Shuffle your cards with the intention of getting clarity about your heart chakra healing. One at a time, ask a question either out loud or in your head before you pull a card. The card you receive will be guidance for how to go about your healing process.
Why did this person come into my life?
What hidden lessons / emotions did this relationship bring me?
How was I loving (or not) myself?
How do I forgive them?
How do I forgive myself?
How do I better love myself going forward?
Reiki for Chakra Healing
Learn how to balance & heal your chakras with energy healing